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Prof Saim Yılmaz, MD
"All patients with fibroids and adenomyosis must undergo MRI before treatment decision"

What are the radiological imaging methods in fibroids and adenomyosis?


The basic imaging modalities are ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Computed tomography should not be preferred because it both gives radiation and does not show the uterus and ovaries well. Ultrasonography can be done from the abdomen (abdominal) or the vagina (transvaginal). Transvaginal ultrasound can better show fibroids growing inwards, while abdominal ultrasound can better show fibroids that are embedded in the uterus and growing outward. However, the ability of ultrasound to show especially small fibroids is limited. Therefore, ultrasound alone is not sufficient to find out the number of fibroids. The preferred method in this regard is MR imaging. ​ ​


MRI is the most powerful method available for imaging genital and reproductive organs. With MRI, both the number, size and location of fibroids can be better understood and pathologies such as adenomyosis, which can be confused with fibroids, and even uterine cancers can be detected better. Therefore, in patients with suspected fibroids or adenomyosis, ultrasound alone should not be contented with, and a lower abdomen MRI should always be performed especially if treatment is considered. ​ ​


Click for the related video explanation, Prof Dr Saim Yılmaz

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