Prof Saim Yılmaz, MD
"In most patients with fibroids, spontaneous pregnancy is possible"
How do fibroids affect pregnancy?
Uterine fibroids can sometimes have adverse effects on pregnancy. We can divide these effects into two groups.
1. Reducing the chance of getting pregnant.
2. Causing events such as miscarriage, premature birth, bleeding and premature rupture of membranes after pregnancy occurs.
It is not common for fibroids to prevent pregnancy. However, if the fibroids are located close to the entrance point of the tubes to the uterus, they can block the tubes and prevent the passage of the ovum (egg) into the uterus. If a single tube is blocked, this probability decreases, if both tubes are blocked, then it will not be possible to get pregnant in the normal way and thus, in vitro fertilization may be required.
If fibroids are on the lining of the uterus (submucous), they may prevent the fertilized ovum (egg) from attaching to the lining of the uterus and preventing pregnancy from occurring. Additionally, fibroids located on the inner surface of the uterus (submucous) and in the muscle layer (intramural) can grow due to the hormones secreted during pregnancy and press the embryo in the uterus, preventing its development and causing problems such as miscarriage, premature birth, bleeding and premature membrane rupture.
However, there is no rule that such problems will occur in every patient. Many patients with multiple or even large fibroids can get pregnant and give birth in a completely healthy way.