Prof Saim Yılmaz, MD
"Some types of uterine fibroids can be treated with percutaneous ablation"
Percutaneous ablation in the treatment of fibroids
Percutaneous ablation means the destruction of diseased tissue or tumors in our body by special needles placed from the skin. This method, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, benign tumors and pain due to various causes, has also been successfully applied in the treatment of some uterine fibroids. Percutaneous ablation treatment in myoma is a procedure performed under ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia. Before ablation, the patient's skin is disinfected and numbed with local anesthesia. Then, under the guidance of ultrasound, special needles are properly placed into the fibroid tissue and the ablation process is started.
The most commonly used methods for percutaneous ablation are radiofrequency, microwave and cryoablation. Radiofrequency and microwave destroy the fibroid tissue by heating and cryoablation by freezing. In the literature, there are studies on the use of all three methods in the treatment of uterine fibroids. The advantages of percutaneous ablation are that it can be performed under local anesthesia, does not require surgery or angiography, and the patient can return home without staying in the hospital. However, during ablation, the needle must be inserted through the skin or through the vagina and placed in the middle of the fibroid. For this, just like in HIFU, the fibroid should be easily visible on ultrasound, be superficial and be few in number. It is also thought that it is not effective enough in tumors larger than 5 cm, and it may be risky in tumors close to the inner surface of the uterus (endometrium).
Video: Percutaneous ablation and other options in myoma, Prof Dr Saim Yılmaz